Monday 21 February 2011

London: Mark Bradford

Mark Bradford: White Painting, 2009. Mixed media collage on canvas, 259 X 366 cm
This is another artwork that captured my eye at the Saatchi Gallery. This piece is huge and must be viewed from across the room. Thankfully the gallery was not crowded, otherwise it would have been impossible to view the piece as a whole. I spent a lot of time looking at this mixed media collage trying to figure out how Bradford made the collage: it was a puzzle to be solved. In my sketchbook I wrote: layers and layers of paper over coloured clothesline cording, paper abraded around the cording to reveal it, possibly with a sander. I don't really know if this is true, I just needed to imagine how Mark Bradford created the piece. Like Jacob Hashimoto, Mark Bradford is an American artist who was born in Los Angeles, where he lives and works.

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