Thursday 28 April 2011

Eye Candy: Paul Cvetich sculptures

Paul Cvetich: Butista  acrylic, alkyd oil on wood 2010-2011
Paul Cvetich: Familia acrylic, alkyd oil on wood 2010-2011
Paul Cvetich: Fulton acrylic, alkyd oil on wood 2010-2011
Our Canadian Winter has inched its way into what is normally Spring and many of us need colour and sunlight. The Spring flowers are reluctant to bloom and rain is forecast for the next week or three. Paul Cvetich's solo show Ichikupark at Transit Gallery in Hamilton, Ontario has come to the rescue. The playful wall-mounted sculptures, like eye candy, gladden the eye. According to gallery owner Priti Kohli, Cvetich loosely planned each sculpture before he carved and painted the wood components. The nice thing is that the sculptures don't look over-planned: I think Cvetich gave each sculpture a say in its own evolution. The gallery walls are bursting with forty wall sculptures. A show of 20 to 30 pieces would have been just as strong, but given our long long Winter, 40 pieces make it a party for the eye and spirit.

Beyond the optimistic colours and strong compositions, the shadows cast by the wall sculptures add another dimension to the already successful work. Even a blind person could love this show: the titles are playful and evocative. Just reading them made me smile from ear to ear. Here are a few: Lalalandscape, Fillapango, Chunkeesta, Mambalina, Woolayboolay, Ichikupark, Funkipalunki, Oogabooga, Laboomba, and Moochogoocho are ten titles. Read Stephanie Vegh's review on her blog.

Paul Cvetich Ichikupark: March 29 to April 30, 2011 @ Transit Gallery

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