Tuesday 10 May 2011

Postcards: Germaine Koh

Since February 1992, Germaine Koh has been knitting Knitwork from used garments that she unravels and re-knits into one continuous textile. According to her website, the textile will be finished when Koh's life has ended. Knitwork is in the collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario. This postcard is from her exhibit at the McMaster Museum of Art in 2002 when Koh was ten years into this ongoing project. I'm curious to see how Knitwork has grown in the intervening 9 years.

Germaine Koh's continuous knitting of Knitwork reminds me of the character Tita De La Garza in the 1992 film Like Water For Chocolate, based on the novel by Laura Esquivel, who knits a giant blanket as a way of dealing with her endless grief and feelings of emptiness. 

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