Wednesday 22 June 2011


© Karen Thiessen 2011 Hexagon pattern
Ta da! Just for you, I learned how to save Adobe Illustrator files as jpegs. As I wrote in my Stain post, I'm finally learning Illustrator and I'm learning it from a book. I now know enough to play with the program and know what I don't know. Huh? Yes, before I didn't know anything and now I have enough knowledge to do certain things, but not enough to do it all. For example, the above design is made up of a figure that I rotated and put into repeat. The figure is made up of six triangles. With the knowledge level that I have, I don't know how to easily align the triangles side-to-side, point-to-point. I'm hoping that eventually I'll reach the lesson where I learn perfect alignment. That would be nirvana, but probably not very Buddhist. 

I now know enough that practicing Illustrator is fun. Everywhere I look I see designs that I want to try replicate in Illustrator, just to see if I can do it. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. Furthermore, Illustrator is invading my thoughts and dreams. Friends who learn second languages tell me that when they start to think and dream in the new language, they are on their way to mastering it. I still have a long way to go in learning this program inside and out, but I'm on the right path!

1 comment:

  1. Whoo hooo! You go girl! Congrats on finally tackling this.
