Thursday 2 June 2011

Kearon Roy Taylor: Photolithography

Kearon Roy Taylor Geist/Superposition 2011
Kearon Roy Taylor Everything & Nothing 2011
Kearon Roy Taylor Untitled (Jaws) 2011
Run, don't walk, to Loose Canon to see The Sky is Not Only Beautiful because it closes June 3. All good things come to an end. As you enter the gallery, Kearon Roy Taylor's photolithographs command your attention and provide a contrast to the equally strong Rebecca Vidotto installation. Printed on plywood, Taylor's artworks are about 2' X 4' in size and they are nicely spaced in the gallery so that each piece has room to breathe. The warmth of the wood allow the images to sit back and invite you to contemplate them. Geist/Superposition and Untitled (Jaws) are a convincing hybrid of photography and Op Art (and they are my favourite pieces). Taylor is a 2011 graduate of the studio art program at McMaster University and was awarded the McMaster Museum of Art Museum Award. Kearon Roy Taylor is another emerging artist to watch.

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