Friday 10 June 2011

More Rebecca Vidotto goodness

Rebecca Vidotto's show at Loose Canon is over, but I had to share more images of her work. Yes, I am gushing: it's not often that I am knocked off my feet by an emerging artist. I went back to the gallery on a quiet day and was able to photograph her work to my heart's content. The top photo is an overall shot of her installation and the rest are details. Yes, those are teeth in the bottom photo. Now, how cool is that! For more information about Rebecca Vidotto, see my May 19 post. As I wrote before, Rebecca Vidotto is an emerging artist with extraordinary talent: she's one to watch.

Here is her artist statement:
what will become of you?
i was left standing in the wilderness and a thousand nights went by, all blurring into one. it was here that i met many prophets, providing excitations in every direction. but, nothing is static, not that it ever was. i'm tongue tied, dizzy, my palms sweat and i'm restless. it is time to get out of here, it is time to move on. don't delay me, this is the preservation of balance, this is inevitiablity [sic]. the excavations of this place have all run dry. this is what i've found, this is what i will take with me. for where these treasures are, my heart is also. this is an enthography [sic], and i just can't keep it to myself.

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