Tuesday 7 June 2011

Postcards: Seth

In 2009, Seth, aka Gregory Gallant, exhibited a model town called Dominion. The exhibit, organized by the University of Waterloo Art Gallery, travelled across Canada and the United States. Seth constructed the model town as a study for his fictional town Dominion that he immortalized in his graphic novel George Sprott. He constructed the town from humble cardboard that he painted with great detail.
Check out this website to view six of the buildings.  

A room of cardboard buildings opened my world. Before visiting Dominion I had never read a graphic novel. After Dominion, I read every one of Seth's graphic novels and then moved on to Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis and then Neil Gaiman's Coraline. Persepolis is a powerful memoir in graphic novel format. What grabbed me was how Satrapi told her story in stark black-and-white. The strong images are burned into my memory. If you have never read a graphic novel, go now to your nearest library or bookstore and give it a try. You might be surprised: I know I was.

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