Thursday 21 July 2011

TOAE 2011: Christopher Hayes

Bread tags are awesome, especially when they are gigantic. Christopher Hayes creates assemblages from old stuff, paint, imagination, and a sense of humour. A photograph of a larger-than-life bread tag by a NSCAD student in the late 1990's woke me up to the possibilities of ordinary, often forgettable, objects. I've been collecting bread tags for a few years now, but my collection is small considering that we rarely have bread in the house. Once in a while a kind friend will give me her stash. It's fun to see all the various shapes, colours, and fonts that differentiate the common bread tag. Christopher Hayes's bread tag sculptures are about 3 feet square. 

One day I would love one of these, along with one of Joanna Strong's rubber band ball paintings. Wouldn't they look perfect hung next to each other?

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