Friday 26 August 2011

Sun print redux

Here in Canada, summer is on its way out. If you've had an urge to go outside and make sun prints, now is the time. I bought my Super Sunprint® Kit from Swipe Books in Toronto. The paper is 20x30 cm and when I did my first prints a few weeks ago, I found that the paper was too big for what I was doing, so I cut the remaining sheets in half. Once you start, the ideas keep flowing and I found myself digging through my odd collections to find unusual things to print with. In the top image are wooden toothpicks. A few weeks ago I found the leaf during a walk and pressed it in my knapsack sketchbook. The kits are geared for people aged 6 to adult, so if you have a child this would be a fun end-of-summer activity.


  1. Oooh! That would be fun to do with or without the kiddies! thx =)

  2. These are great, especially the leaf.
