Thursday 3 November 2011

Allergy Ad

Have you seen this ad? It's brilliant. If you or someone you love has a food allergy, then you'll relate to this ad from Anaphylaxis Canada. Our society gathers around food, but if you have a food allergy or intolerance, you'll often feel different or excluded. As someone who has lived with this reality my whole life, I understand that it is inconvenient or intimidating for others to try to accommodate my allergies and intolerances. I get it, but my friends who are newly diagnosed grieve their new food limitations and that they stand out at parties, potlucks, weddings, and any social gathering that involves food, including sharing Communion at church. Some churches, including my own, offer both regular bread and gluten-free options for Communion. One day I hope churches rise to the occasion and just serve one allergen-free bread so that we can all feel equal, even just for a moment. Food for thought.

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