Friday 18 November 2011

Books: Kurt Schwitters Color and Collage

I am a lucky gal and this book is the proof. For six years I've been looking for an affordable book about Kurt Schwitters with no success until now. The other day I made an excursion out to Toronto's West Queen West and popped by Type Books on a whim. There I found this beauty for only $50 Canadian. On I could buy the same book for $546.47!

At the beginning of my collage education I pored through my teacher's Schwitters books and on occasion I would try to emulate him. His collages look so simple, so easy, but six years ago I couldn't come close to achieving his style. Schwitters' collages are well-planned. Look at the second image. Do you see how the red, black, and white squares move your eye through space? Awesome, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. You might like to look at this comprehensive introduction to Schwitters too:

    Best wishes
    Gwendolen Webster
