Friday 11 November 2011

Marla Panko: Detours & Hybrids

Marla Panko Trojan Horse 2010, 10" X 16" acrylic
Marla Panko Faktura I to VI 2011
Marla Panko Neubecker II 2011, 7" X 5.5"
Marla Panko Study I 2011, 6" X 7.5" acrylic
Marla Panko's exhibition Detours and Hybrids at the Carnegie Gallery came down at the end of October, but it's still worth highlighting. The show was a mix of paintings, collages, prints, textiles, and sculptures. Panko's collages and paintings are her strong suit, although the Faktura sculptures were noteworthy. My favourite pieces were the collages: Neubecker I to IV and Bounce, Slice, Stack, and Sparkle. Because they were all framed behind glass, I was only able to photograph Neubecker II. You can view her collage drawings Bounce, Slice, etc. on her website here. Panko's collages look simple and spare, but they contain layers of information that you notice only from looking at them for long periods of time. Whether it's a subtle line here or a small jolt of colour there, each element is well-considered.

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