Tuesday 1 November 2011

Postcards: Dundas Museum & Archives

The Dundas Museum and Archives is a hidden gem. Until I was invited to interpret a piece from their collection for a 2007 show called Out of the Past ... Into the Future, I had never heard of them. While looking through the archives, I felt like a kid in a candy store. Initially I intended to select a textile to respond to, but by chance I stumbled across a collection of Victorian hair jewellery. During the Victorian era, brooches and rings were made with the hair of loved ones and were worn to remember them. 

I found a brooch of woven hair surrounded by pearls, and knew that this was what I would use as my inspiration. My beloved grandma had died just three weeks before, and I was still in deep mourning. One day I'll show you the brooch and the resulting artwork.

What I love about the postcard is all the buttons. Have I told you yet that I collect buttons? One day I'll share some images with you.

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