Thursday 22 December 2011

Books: Nancy Crow

Since today is the first day of Winter, I thought it would be appropriate for Nancy Crow's joy-drenched quilts to brighten your day. Early in her career, Nancy Crow made elaborate quilts that required templates and fussy piecing. Just looking at them made me tired: I couldn't imagine the amount of patience required to design and make each quilt. Thankfully Nancy Crow's inordinate patience wore off and she began to dye her own fabrics and to piece quilts intuitively. The new work is peaceful and engaging. This book was published in 2006 and is still available from the US Amazon site. 

An ideal evening is to dig out this book, along with my Gee's Bend and Lance Letscher books and to absorb the images just before going to bed, so that my dreams are infused with colour and pattern.

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