Thursday 19 January 2012

Dave Hind & the Aluminum Quilting Society

Occupy Space by Dave Hind, Gord Pullar, Sarah Copoc 
Go West Magnets by Dave Hind, Sarah Copoc, Christeen Urquhart
Detail of Go West Magnets 
Dave Hind, aluminum-whisperer supreme, collaborated with a crew of aluminum-masseurs for a December 2011 to end of January 2012 exhibition at the Mulberry Street Coffeehouse on James Street North in Hamilton. Dave Hind and his fellow artists call themselves the Aluminum Quilting Society and this is a collaboration that works brilliantly. Many of the works sold in December and were replaced with new pieces in January. If you are in the neighbourhood, head on over to the Mulberry, order a coffee and contemplate the art. It's well worth a visit.

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