Thursday 12 January 2012

Shake-n-Make at b contemporary

Liss Platt Circular Logic installation, 2011
Liss Platt Circular Logic: Ring 75,  2011 
Claudia Manley & Liss Platt, Relic Series
Claudia Manley, Waikiki Meatballs
This is one of those "better late than never" posts. The Shake-n-Make show at b contemporary has come and gone – it was up in December 2011, but December was a blur. Shake-n-Make is a queer art collective made up of Liss Platt and Claudia Manley. Together they embrace the kitsch DIY ethos of the 1970s with a 21st century twist. Spirograph, Betty Crocker, and gas cans are all fair game. I've written about my appreciation for the work of Liss Platt before. What I want to know is: Did Liss use any digital imaging wizardry to make her Circular logic patterns? I know I would (if I knew how), because it would drive me mad to draw each pattern individually. Shake-n-Make offers brilliant work that makes you laugh.

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