Tuesday 3 April 2012

Arizona: Yuma text

My trip to Arizona, Mexico, and Niland, California certainly provided a lot of inspiration despite the fact that they weren't places that I'd ordinarily choose to visit. Travel shakes us from our complacent lives, it shakes up our routines, makes us uncomfortable, and forces us to see new things. 

As newlyweds, my husband and I "played tourist" in Toronto. We lived there and thought we knew the city well, but pretending to be tourists forced us to see the city with fresh eyes. If you can't get away, explore your space with fresh eyes. Whether you live in the country, a city, town, or suburb, opportunities to explore and see new sights are everywhere. Try this in your own home: pretend that you are a visitor and are seeing your living room or kitchen for the very first time. What do you see? What have your senses filtered out from being in the space on a daily basis? Pretend you are blind. What do you feel, smell, or hear? What textures feel good? 

For more about exploring, read Keri Smith's How to Be an Explorer of the World.

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