Thursday 12 April 2012

Dave Newman at Xanadu Gallery

Dave Newman, Road Works, Mixed Media, 60" X 60," $7500.
Dave Newman, Red Dot Special and O 2 B Free 
This blog is composed of words and images. Often I get both wrong– pictures with poor lighting, text with grammatical and punctuation errors. On occasion, words get in the way or leave me when I am gobsmacked by an artist's work. The collages and sculptures of Lance Letscher, Judith Scott and Hannelore Baron have knocked the words right out of me. Now I can add Dave Newman's assemblages to the list. I saw Dave Newman's solo show Taking the Scenic Route at Xanadu Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona in March and was immediately blown away. Do you see the Red Dot Special guitar on the left in the lower image? I seriously want that guitar! Why? It reminds me of my Opa who loved a game or three of chinese checkers. Dave Newman's work does that: it evokes memories of times past. Thankfully Newman knows his way around vintage materials and makes work that is refreshing instead of twee or sentimental. Newman's show ended on March 17 but Xanadu still has a few unsold pieces (like Red Dot Special). Check out their website or Dave Newman's for more information.

*Elaine Horejs, director of Xanadu gave me permission to photograph Dave Newman's work.

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