Wednesday 2 May 2012

Studio Series: Fire 2 quilt

Fire 2 quilt ©Karen Thiessen 2012
Fire 2 is quiet compared to last week's featured quilt Tangents. The golden sashing is made up of onion-skin dyed fabrics, probably with Ted Hutten's onion skins from Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley and Halifax tap water. Although I fleshed out the quilt with some commercial fabrics, many fabrics I dyed, printed, and over-dyed myself. Let's just say I was a little too productive when I was a Sheridan student and I still have bins of dyed and printed fabrics waiting to be used. The very bottom magenta sash is an old faded studio curtain that I over-dyed while I was a resident in the Harbourfront studio. Fire 2, is 82.5” W X 91.25” H or 210 cm X 232 cm. One day I'll show you Fire 1 and Fire 3.

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