Tuesday 4 September 2012

Nova Scotia 2012: Peggy's Cove

Peggy's Cove Lighthouse; Photo Credit: Karen Thiessen 2012
While visiting the right coast, we headed down to Peggy's Cove for a day trip. The last time we visited was thirteen years ago when we still lived in Halifax. The lighthouse still stands but the post office is now closed. It was a hot day and not even the ocean breezes did much to cool us down. The rocks were teeming with tourists, many of whom were wearing flip flops. The sight of people precariously trying to climb steep and sometimes slippery rocks while wearing improper footwear was both amusing and nerve-wracking.
Peggy's Cove; Photo Credit: Karen Thiessen 2012
Aside from the lighthouse's closed post office and a new visitor's centre, it appears that little has changed in Peggy's Cove. The view is still exquisite.
Peggy's Cove laundry line; Photo Credit: Karen Thiessen 2012
Folks still hang their laundry out to dry.
Peggy's Cove boat; Photo Credit: Karen Thiessen 2012
This boat continues to decay. When will it simply be a pile of sticks?
Peggy's Cove floats; Photo Credit: Karen Thiessen 2012
It is possible that in the past thirteen years, the floats have become much more fluorescent.

1 comment:

  1. i know that boat.

    but what i love best about Peggy's Cove are the thousands of inuksuit
