Thursday 13 September 2012

Sandra Brownlee Studio Visit I

Sandra Brownlee Studio; Photo credit © Karen Thiessen, 2012
Have you ever been given the opportunity of a lifetime? In August a studio visit to Sandra Brownlee's studio was a dream come true. I had visited her studio in 2010, but this time she let me wander, look, and photograph while she prepared supper. I took my time to take in the colours, textures, and shapes. Above is a small loom on which Sandra is weaving a sample for a blanket that is to be a wedding gift. 
Sandra Brownlee Studio; Photo credit © Karen Thiessen, 2012
This is her main loom on which she weaves her exquisite drawings. It looks like she is just starting a new project. Through the window you can see her back deck over which she constructed a lattice of twigs. One day it will be covered in vines that will filter out the sun. Do you see the famous polka dot curtains to the right of the window? At least one has been sacrificed for Sandra's Deluxe Edition catalogues.
Sandra Brownlee Studio; Photo credit © Karen Thiessen, 2012
Her storage tins add colour to the space. 
Sandra Brownlee Studio; Photo credit © Karen Thiessen, 2012
This was a red and gold themed shelf.
Winnie; Photo credit © Karen Thiessen, 2012
Winnie is Sandra's studio mascot. She keeps an eye on things when she's not napping on the sunlit armchair.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for including the lovely Winnie in this collection of images...she graced my lap last year
