Tuesday 2 October 2012

TOAE 2012: Jen Kneulman

Jen Kneulman textiles; Photo credit Karen Thiessen, 2012
Jen Kneulman runs Freshly Printed and is currently an artist-in-residence in the Harbourfront textile studio. She's a graduate the Ontario College of Art and Design's Fibre program. Jen's imagery has an Ontario-vintage-postcard feel and I really like how the top three tea towels work together. It would be difficult to buy just one.
Jen Kneulman textiles; Photo credit Karen Thiessen, 2012
The canning jars are one of my favourites. Note how she prints the outlines and adds small dashes of colour here and there. Nice.
Jen Kneulman textiles; Photo credit Karen Thiessen, 2012
 Jen's displays were fun. Hey, I had an oven in that colour at one time!
Jen Kneulman textiles; Photo credit Karen Thiessen, 2012
The Ontario tea towel is icing on the cake. Jen's work all fits nicely together with a cohesive look and colour palette. I look forward to seeing what she cooks up for the next TOAE.

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