Friday 12 October 2012

Week 37: Adobe Illustrator

Dotted Bulls-eye © Karen Thiessen, 2012
I practice Adobe Illustrator five days a week when I am not on vacation. This amounts to over 110 hours during 166 days this year so far. I have practiced yoga every day this year and this amounts to just over 100 hours during the 286 days in 2012 (as of today). From these statistics, it's obvious that Adobe Illustrator is claiming more of my time for 2012. On the other hand, I've practiced yoga for 17 years, and daily since Lent 2011 – that's 594 days in a row. Clearly AI has won the battle, but yoga has won the war.

My fascination with the dotted line is providing the right balance (a.k.a. diversion) to my current goal to get through the chapters on using text in Adobe Illustrator. This pattern has an Aboriginal Australian pattern feel to it.

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