Wednesday 7 November 2012

Studio Series: sketchbook collage

Black & white sketchbook collage © Karen Thiessen, 2012
The studio is a busy place this autumn. September was my month of fear, but thankfully that passed and in October I found my studio mojo. I'm preparing for a May 2013 solo show of my modular work and I'm making two quilts using children's drawings digitally printed onto fabric for a community project. One of the quilts will be auctioned off to raise funds for an inner city after-school program for children. Last night I put the first top on the quilt frame and today I start stitching! It's been a few years since I hand-quilted a quilt, so I'm really looking forward to it.

The above image is a collage from my sketchbook. The white lines on black paper in the lower left corner is a direct photocopy of one of my hand-stitched textiles.

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