Wednesday 16 October 2013

Thanksgiving gifts

Wheatley sky; Photo © Karen Thiessen 2013
My husband and I ventured out to the m.o.n. (middle of nowhere) for the Thanksgiving long weekend. We were 15 minutes late for the first family gathering because of this gorgeous sky. We had never seen such clouds and had to stop at the side of the highway to photograph it.
Praying mantis; Photo © Karen Thiessen 2013
The family gathering was in a complex that featured an outdoor labyrinth. I walked through about half until I lost patience. The best part of the labyrinth is that it was home to numerous praying mantises. When I was a kid I found them to be creepy, but I don't mind them now (unless they are crawling up my neck like one did on the weekend).
Sassafras leaves; Photo © Karen Thiessen 2013
My parents have a few Sassafras trees on their property. The leaves are gorgeous in colour and shape.

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