Monday 28 October 2013

Wow power

Echinacea flower 
May this photograph of an Echinacea flower brighten your day. My hubby took it this summer and it's a wow image for me. I didn't adjust it in Photoshop: this is what it looked like. 

This past weekend I met one deadline and am now working on another deadline for next weekend. Natural dyeing continues to distract me from the immediate tasks at hand in the most wonderful ways. The physical labour of filling large dye pots with dyestuff and water, of tending the simmering pots throughout the day, of scouring fabrics, mucking out spent dye stuff, washing fabrics, and then ironing them is a welcome relief. Aside from the wonder of the colour changes of the fabrics, I think the physicality of natural dyeing is what I like best. It also feels like being part of a mystery, not knowing how the fabric will respond to the water and dyestuffs, and this unpredictability is what keeps me hooked. Soon my garage will be too cold to carry on as I have been the last four months and I will miss this daily rhythm.

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