Monday 4 November 2013

Studio Series: Composition in White

Composition in White © Karen Thiessen, 2013
Now that my Unit(y) show is over, I have time to develop more Composition pieces without the threat of an impending deadline. Well, maybe not. I created Composition in White specifically for a province-wide juried show of fine craft. In the process of making it, I raked the yard, swept the porch, cleared my office desk. While the collaged tags were drying, I tended my natural dye vats. Basically, I was aware/afraid that my newest work would not be understood by the broader fine craft community. It's different from my previous work and it excites me to no end. As I was making C in W, I started tags for future Composition pieces that will incorporate natural dyeing of both textiles and paper. When I submitted the piece, I felt empowered and energized to create more modular work, regardless of its acceptance into the show.

The good news is that Composition in White was accepted into Carnegie Craft 2013 and that it won an award!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Karen.
    I read about this on facebook, and it's great to read a little more in depth here on your blog.
    p.s. Still have not raked my leaves.
