Wednesday 19 February 2014

Studio Series: Mennonitemare 3 quilt

Mennonitemare 3 © Karen Thiessen
Mennonitemare 3 is one of my early quilts. It's interesting to revisit old work and see what I would carry forward into future textiles. The background of appliquéd silkscreened patches and stitched grid with buttons would make a strong quilt on its own, without the quilted church in the foreground. Often a series moves forward before I've had enough time to work through all my ideas. The nice thing about my new way of working is that it allows me to integrate old and new ways of thinking.

This quote by Barry H. Gillespie, an American Buddhist practioner sums it up for me:
"The path isn't a straight line; it's a spiral. You continually come back to things you thought you understood and see deeper truths." – Barry H. Gillespie

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