Friday 9 May 2014

Lenten Mark-making practice update

Lent Drawing 20 © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Lent is long over but my mark-making practice continues. As of yesterday I've practiced 65 days in a row and I'm only now just beginning to make interesting patterns. To get to this place, I had to make a lot of messes and play with materials and techniques in new ways. I had to put in a lot of time, at least 40 hours worth. I've now filled three old sketchbooks with my Lenten marks and two more are waiting for attention (I had five sketchbooks that I had abandoned and needed filling). Lent drawing 20 is the combination of two Letraset drawings that I scanned into Photoshop, played with and then printed separately onto the same piece of paper which I then scanned to create one file. With each scanning and printing, the image degrades slightly, and this is interesting. I can't wait to integrate these drawings into my collage and textile practice. The possibilities are endless.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fascinating and productive process.
