Wednesday 21 May 2014

Mark-Making progress

Lent drawing 33a © Karen Thiessen, 2014
My intuitive mark-making Lenten practice continues. Lately I've been rescuing old ugly prints of textiles and collages. Lent drawings 33a and 33c are photocopies of a machine-stitched textile that I drew on with white acrylic ink and a fine brush
Lent drawing 33c © Karen Thiessen, 2014
The acrylic ink marks give me an idea of how to go back to the original textile and hand-embroider it with chunky seed stitches. It's funny how that happens.

Monday was a national holiday and my husband and I had a coffee shop date where we chatted and I went through my current knapsack sketchbook and reviewed some of the highlights. I also asked myself what is calling me right now and the answers excite me: more mark-making, collage, and hand and machine stitching– all jumbled up together. I am committed to making piles of samples, tags, messes and mistakes all in the name of research and development.

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