Wednesday 14 May 2014

Mother & daughter lines

Mennonitemare 3 quilt back © Karen Thiessen, 2014
These lines are brought to you by happenstance. Lately I've been thinking about stitched lines. A few weeks ago I pulled out a bundle of quilts for an exhibition and Mennonitemare 3 was among them. I didn't need it for the show, so I set it aside upside down. The machine-stitched lines caught my eye. This is useful information for my new work.
Boy fishing; Photo credit © Karen Thiessen, 2014
This textile of a boy fishing is a kit that my mom stitched up a lifetime ago. It's probably the only example of my mom following instructions. As a fellow redhead I get this quality from her. The embroidery is next to the guest bed at mom & dad's place. On Easter morning I noticed it in a new way. The minimal lines suggesting water spoke to me. Minimal lines would be good for me to try. I'm a maximal kind of stitcher. We'll see what happens.

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