Monday 9 June 2014

Studio Series: Nebula 3: back & front

Nebula 3 (back) © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Many moons ago I rust-stained, naturally dyed, and stitched this rectangular textile. Nebula I and Nebula II are in private collections. Nebula III was an experiment in odd proportions and it didn't really work. The other day, as I was organizing my studio, I decided to cut Nebula III up into tags. Then, I turned it over to see the back and I was smitten with the lines.
Nebula 3 (front detail) © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Nebula III will yield two tags. Initially, I was going use the red side for the fronts of both tags, but now I think I'll use one red and one gold.

1 comment:

  1. very interesting - the look reminds me of map contour lines
