Friday 4 July 2014

Studio Series: Remington Rand ampersand pattern

Remington Rand ampersand © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Early this summer a great uncle died just short of his 100th birthday. Following the funeral, he was interred in the same cemetery as my brother. After the graveside service, I visited my brother's grave and looked at it for a long time. I had no camera, no materials with which to take rubbings, and no gardening tools to clean up the grass that encroached on his stone. My only resources were my eyes and time. An ampersand jumped out at me. Two weeks later, I took rubbings, cleaned up the grave, and took photographs. For now, here's a simple repeat pattern of ampersands that I made with an old Remington Rand typewriter.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to read about your brother in this context.

    I feel that there is more to this post than is possible to say.
