Friday 29 August 2014

Studio Series: Intuitive mark-making

Acrylic ink Lent drawing August 2014 © Karen Thiessen, 2014
For those who are new to this blog, I committed to a daily intuitive mark-making practice for Lent 2014: at least 15 minutes of drawing for 46 days. Lent came and went and I continue to make marks every day. It's been over 180 days and it continues to fully engage my imagination and curiosity. Every day I go to the studio to face a blank page and I allow myself to make ugly drawings. Some are, most aren't. The ugly drawings allow me to add layers and layers of marks because, after all, they are already failures. I have nothing to lose. Most of the ugly drawings become things of beauty. It's always a surprise when this happens.

Above is a surprise drawing: it's a sheet of sketch paper that I put down to protect my drafting table from inks.


  1. I like your commitment to ritual and practice; I'm using the fall to begin a similar engagement with my writing. I'd love to see your acrylic ink drawing on fabric!

  2. i am here via judy martin...i must admit i would love to see this creation in/on fabric...a nice lawn for a flowy skirt, or poet's shirt....or maybe paper for wrapping a special gift...
