Friday 26 September 2014

Toronto West Queen West street art

Toronto Graffiti; Photo © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Vogue magazine recently listed Toronto's West Queen West as the second hippest neighbourhood in the world. Yes, it's hip and it has great street art.
Sanko Trading Mural; Photo © Karen Thiessen, 2014
I'm particularly smitten with Sanko's new mural. If you are looking for a wide selection of Japanese pottery and foodstuffs, this is the place to go. 
Sanko Trading Mural detail; Photo © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Toronto shop sign; Photo © Karen Thiessen, 2014
I have no idea what this sign says, but I like it a lot.


  1. I looked at that list and read a few of the descriptions. What is kind of funny is that what Vogue considers "hip" - mostly areas that have high-end stores - is, for most/many "hipsters" not what they're looking for. To me, it seems kind of like a guide for wealthy women worrying about being 'old fashioned.' Can't wait until they include Hamilton - hah!

  2. I love street art, thanks for these photos and an insight.
