Wednesday 1 October 2014

Dorothy Caldwell Silent Ice Deep Patience @ AGP 2

Lake by Dorothy Caldwell, 2013; Photo © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Several months have passed since I saw the Dorothy Caldwell exhibition at The Art Gallery of Peterborough. I think about the textiles often and only now are the words beginning to come to me to share my deep experience of them. Caldwell's work demands time to consider and reflect. To paraphrase India Flint, Dorothy's textiles in the Silent Ice Deep Patience exhibition have permeated my soul. Whenever my soul is engaged, the words take a hike.
Lake detail by Dorothy Caldwell, 2013; Photo © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Although the large-scale work was impressive, the smaller-scale textiles drew me in the most. Lake, about 18" X 24" and coated with earth ochre from a sacred ochre pit in Australia, is one of those intimate pieces that claimed my attention. The smaller works were like a universe that I could fully enter and absorb one layer of detail after another. The large works made me wish that I had a pair of binoculars and a Skyjack lift so that I could better see the upper details of the textiles. I was frustrated in a good way. 
Lake detail by Dorothy Caldwell, 2013; Photo © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Spend some time with Lake. Go away, preferably for a walk, then come back to it. Do you see more than you did the first time? I guarantee that that more you look, the more you will see. It's astonishing in its subtle detail.
Lake detail by Dorothy Caldwell, 2013; Photo © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Lake, 2013 Stitching on cotton with earth ochre

All photos were taken with permission from Dorothy Caldwell and the fine staff of the Art Gallery of Peterborough.