Wednesday 26 November 2014

Studio Series: Screen prints 3

Screen print over collage © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Last week I printed a Post Office Grille and Rooster Comb pattern over a variety of papers. Over the years I have amassed piles of colour copies of collages and patterns that I was unable to use in a satisfying way. Many of the collages were from my learning years, and although colourful, weren't good. Above is one of those bad collages vastly improved with the Post Office Grille and Rooster Comb pattern duo. I can't wait to cut it up and collage with it.
Screen print over Tangents quilt collage © Karen Thiessen, 2014
If you look closely, you may recognize the base print as being the Tangents quilt header image for my blog.
Screen print over old magazine photo © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Screen printing over old magazine photos continues to be interesting.
Screen prints over collage © Karen Thiessen, 2014
As I wrote in my first screen print post, I'm printing over collages and other screen prints. I really like the interaction of the Waves and Post Office Grille patterns. The base paper for the above print is a truly bad collage.
Screen print over Bars collage © Karen Thiessen, 2014
Post Office Grille pattern over a colour copy of a Bars collage. This week I've been collaging tags with my screen printed papers and using the prints is helping me to assess how a print will work or not work. I now have a pile of prints that I will screen print over with new patterns. I can't wait.

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