Wednesday 10 February 2016

Lent 2016

Lent 2016 begins today and it lasts until March 27 (Easter Sunday). Lent is my favourite season. In the past I have given up wine, sugar, and chocolate and have taken up daily practices at least 15 minutes in duration: drawing from life, mark-making, yoga, and a gratitude practice. The daily yoga continues (1848 days-in-a-row since Lent 2011) as does an almost-daily mark-making practice (701 days since Lent 2014). Last year's gratitude practice was powerful and over time I noticed patterns of what sparked the most joy in my life. The nice thing about a gratitude journal is that it is a pleasure to read years into the future. This year I'll revisit my practice of recording three moments of gratitude each day. 

1 comment:

  1. For the past 4 years during Lent I usually give up sweets and alcohol. I'll be doing the same this year but reading about the discipline of mark making, yoga and a gratitude journal has got me thinking about what I can adopt. Thank you for getting me thinking.
