Friday 18 March 2016

Studio Series: 2 inch collages a

Two inch collages a © Karen Thiessen, 2016
I've been quiet here in blogville as I write my various statements. The other day I had a revelation that I'm sure you've all figured out by now: I gave myself a break of about an hour (looking at design magazines) and I came back to my work refreshed and energized. It's such a simple concept, but so very effective. When I returned to the studio I made 43 two inch collages and was in flow during the entire time. A friend has a system of working 52 minutes and then taking 17 minute breaks. She uses a timer to keep on track and finds that this allows her to get a lot done and stay fresh. Do any of you have ways to keep fresh during your work days? If so, feel free to leave a comment.


  1. 43 little ones. That's impressive. Isn't it the best feeling to be totally immersed in the flow of creativity and just enjoy the ride? I've always thought it must be akin to the feeling of catching one of those huge waves in Hawaii and riding it out. Not that I surf, but still...

    Will you post a shot of all the collages? They're intriguing. Enjoy!

  2. Thanks Jennifer! I plan to post a few more images of the tiny collages. Flow is a wonderful thing.
