Friday 22 March 2024

Quotes: Milan Kundera

"... you can do one of two things –– you can stand still and put down roots and take on traditions and build them up, have families, contribute, make money, buy a tux, go to the dinner, you know, be part of it. But the traditions build up and they slowly crush you into the ground. Or, you can put down no roots, have no traditions, flit about, stay on the cusp of life all the time, wear no tux. But the problem with that is you evaporate and you float away. And this is really a fundamental decision everybody makes in their life." 

–– Milan Kundera (1929-2023), Czech-born French writer 

Source: Ian Brown (b. 1954), Canadian journalist and author. Ian Brown, Russell Smith and Mike Bullard. "You feel bullet-proof when you flirt in a tux." The Globe and Mail. Saturday December 8, 2001 (p. L1, L7); p. L7. Quote is from Milan Kundera The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

via: Commonplace Book 1999-2001, 2001.

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