"Progress and inner work life feed each other. Mathematician Norbert Wiener called this sort of interaction a positive feedback loop or "cumulative causation." Progress enhances inner work life ... and positive inner work life leads to further progress ..., creating a virtuous cycle. The loop can operate as a vicious cycle, as well. Just as inner work life and progress improve in tandem, when one goes downhill, so does the other. ...
"Like any feedback loop, the progress loop is self-reinforcing. ... [A] vicious cycle can be broken by ... removing obstacles to progress and providing the supports necessary for success."
–– Teresa Amabile (b. 1950), American academic and author; and Steven J. Kramer, American independent researcher, writer, and consultant
Source: Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer. The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press, 2011; p. 98-99.
via Commonplace Book 2013-2014, 2013, p. 29-30.