Japanese bowl; Photo credit: Karen Thiessen, 2010 |
Japanese striped bowl; Photo credit: Karen Thiessen, 2010 |
Japanese bowls are eye candy for mealtime (and this candy is calorie-free!). The bowls are inexpensive but they make breakfast, lunch, and supper special. Recently we hosted a "one bowl meal" dinner party. We served brown basmati rice, steamed chinese broccoli, rapini, shrimp, baked chicken, steamed carrots, and a ginger tahini sauce. Dessert was grapes and brownies drizzled with Frangelico. We set the table with our assortment of Japanese bowls, pulled out our colourful chopsticks that we picked up at Habitat last year and the meal was a hit, so much so that our friends now want to eat this way more often... and buy Japanese bowls.