Friday, 6 July 2012

Week 25: Adobe Illustrator

S-curvy © Karen Thiessen 2012
When inspiration comes, grab it and run with it. The cover of Sergio De La Pava's novel A Naked Singularity is simple, yet stunning. I trolled the web, looking for the name of the book cover designer, but came up with nothing. S-curvy was among the first of many attempts to replicate the book cover design. Mine is different, but I'm fine with that. Once again, I bumped up against my limitations with the A.I. program. How to expand your knowledge? Learn what you do not know and then rectify that.

News alert! A kind reader informed me that Isaac Tobin designed the cover for A Naked Singularity. Thanks Levi!


  1. The designer for A Naked Singularity is Isaac Tobin, whose site is here. I love your wavy blue attempt at a replica.

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you Levi!
