Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Lent 2015

Experimental stitching © Karen Thiessen, 2015
Today is the first day of Lent for 2015. As usual, I'm beginning a new Lenten practice for the next 46 or so days. Lent is considered to be 40 days long–– Sundays are celebration days. If you include Sundays, it adds up to 46 days. This year I'm recording at least three moments of appreciation per day and I've been "auditioning" this practice for a few weeks to see if I could do it consistently. I can. Earlier this month I "auditioned" changing my bedtime. I couldn't. There's no point in setting myself up for failure.

As for my Lent 2014 intuitive mark-making practice, I'm still doing it and it continues to develop. Today is day 351 of my aforementioned practice and above is some experimental stitching that I just finished. I used linen/cotton paper yarn from Habu Textiles and various DMC threads.

Textile artist Helen Terry gave a nice nod to my 2014 Lenten practice here. She has started a daily mark-making practice and I look forward to seeing how it evolves. 

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