Wednesday, 25 March 2015


My beloved and I just returned from a mini-retreat in the city where we met and fell in love. The weather gods gifted us with crisp, cold, sunny days which were perfect for walking five hours at a time. We walked, talked and recharged. I treated myself to the life-changing magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo (a very interesting, thought-provoking book on more levels than tidying house) and read it each evening after I did my Lenten mark-making and fed my sketchbook. I unplugged for three days: the lack of clutter afforded me time and space for clear thinking.* An idea for a new project began to germinate: a creative and beautiful response to a frustration. In my own life frustrations, problems, and disappointments are catalysts for innovation. I was recently reminded of this again when I read about Tom Kelley's Bug List in Creative ConfidenceI need to sit with my new idea for a while, mess around with it in my journal, make a mind-map, brain-storm. It's possible that I've already begun.

*This is a prime example that good ideas come to you when you relax, are open, and are free of distractions. 


  1. I have the Kondo book (on tape) on hold at the library; I read one of her tips for cleaning out your bookshelf - taking a book, flipping the pages but not reading it, and if it gives you joy, it stays; if it doesn't, thank it and give it away. How deep is my love, is what comes to mind.

  2. Claudia: She says that paper gives no one joy. I beg to differ. "Houston, we've got a problem!"
