Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Studio Series: Screen prints

Four screen print over Lent drawings © Karen Thiessen, 2015
More than a year has passed since I began my Lent 2014 intuitive mark-making practice and I'm still at it. I amassed piles of drawings using a variety of media and those that weren't interesting, I painted over with acrylic inks and paint. Of the painted drawings that didn't work out, I screen printed. The above image started out as a bleed drawing using Chart Pak markers. I then painted over it and still not satisfied, I printed four different patterns in four different colours over it. The orange dots saved the day! Orange wasn't on my radar until another student had some left over. It was already mixed and ready to go, so why not? I had nothing to lose.
Three screen print over drawing © Karen Thiessen, 2015
The above three screen print is over a drawing using Prismacolor pencil crayons on paper. Unfortunately, I only have a small piece of this print, so I may be a bit precious with it when I go to use it in one of my collages.
Crosses screen print over Lent drawings © Karen Thiessen, 2015
The Crosses print is over an acrylic painting which is over a Chart Pak marker bleed drawing. This print resolved fairly quickly.

The Lent 2014 mark-making practice had a much larger impact on my studio practice than I ever imagined. It has revolutionized my work and continues to have a positive effect. I highly recommend durational practices, especially when they are paired with reflection (documenting what you are doing, what you are learning, and paying attention to where the most energy is and where the work is leading you).

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