Friday, 3 April 2015

Postcards: Unrolled @ Dundas Museum & Archives

Unrolled postcard
Postcards have gone the way of the dodo bird, so when I see one, especially one that is well-designed, I get excited. Last weekend my beloved and I trekked out to the Dundas Museum & Archives to see their Unrolled exhibition. I hadn't been to the museum in several years and boy had it changed! Since my last visit, it has undergone a renovation and expansion. It's no longer a tired stuffy museum. The promotional materials are as gorgeous as the exhibition.
Unrolled postcard
If you happen to be in the neighbourhood, do check out the exhibition and the museum. Unrolled is on display until June 2, 2015.

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to seeing this, thanks for posting the info Karen.
