Friday, 1 January 2016

Reflections for 2016

What are you curious about? Go where it takes you. Be delighted.

What sparks joy? Let go most of what doesn't. Free yourself and live lighter.

Who do you love? As M. Scott Peck wrote, "Love is a verb." Show those you love with your actions. Don't wait. Life is short.

To quote Mark Byk: "Beware of Gods." What controls you? Anything can become a god: work, food, alcohol, volunteerism, exercise, screens. Take healthy breaks from those things that control you. Lent is a time when I play with disrupting patterns or auditioning new ones. Lent 2016 begins on February 10. You can begin at any time.

Do you have unfulfilled goals, dreams, or resolutions? Select one and devote five minutes each and every day to it. Play with this for one year (that's 366 days in 2016). Micromovements are powerful. You might be pleased with what happens. Use a timer.

What are you most grateful for? To mark Lent 2015, I recorded three moments of appreciation each day. Patterns emerged. Try it, you might be surprised and amazed. I know I was. The nice thing about recording moments of gratitude is that they are pleasant to revisit days, months, and years later.

Feed your mind with good books and conversation. Listen. Be open. Consider other points of view.

Happy 2016!


  1. thank you Karen. Good advice, all of it.
    happy 2016 to you!

  2. Happy new year, Karen. It has been a very busy end to 2015, and I feel like I'm only now beginning to catch my breath for 2016. However, I have returned to my scheduling, which is really just giving time to the rituals and actions I'd like to see in my average week.
