Friday 17 June 2011

More Sandra Brownlee Goodness II

Artwork by Sandra Brownlee, Photography by Keith McLeod
Artwork by Sandra Brownlee, Photography by Keith McLeod
Artwork by Sandra Brownlee, Photography by Keith McLeod
Artwork by Sandra Brownlee, Photography by Keith McLeod

Artwork by Sandra Brownlee, Photography by Keith McLeod
The last textile reads: "I am becoming more centred as I recommit to being in the studio as my way of life." The top two images are of an unfinished textile "report" that Sandra Brownlee stitched in 1993 for her interim Pew Fellowship report of her trip to India. She tried to write the report on paper but the words just weren't there. After much angst, Brownlee decided to stitch the report so that she could feel the shape of each letter, word, and sentence. Slow stitching on cotton fabric that she bought in Madras did the trick. The words for her conventional report came to her before she finished stitching the story. A finished report on white 8.5" X 11" paper was submitted; the stitched story remains unfinished.

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