Thursday 16 June 2011

Sandra Brownlee: Tactile Notebooks and the Written Word

Contemporary Textile Studio Co-op presents:

Textile Talk by Sandra Brownlee: Tactile Notebooks and the Written Word

When: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm  
Where: Textile Museum of Canada, 55 Centre Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
Tickets: $10.00 (available at the door)

What: Artist Sandra Brownlee will speak about her textile work and creative process. Working in her notebooks, she is motivated by 'haptic' considerations; she uses the sense of touch to stimulate and awaken perception, to guide the making process, and to revive sensitivity in the way she communicates both visually and verbally. Through this practice, she creates tactile pages, playing with materials, techniques and words to make concrete the vital elements of experience. Drawing from this process, her woven textiles unfold intuitively. Her work at the loom is part weaving, part drawing and part writing.

Contemporary Textile Studio Co-op
401 Richmond Street West, Studio 10
Toronto, Ontario, M5V 3A8

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